Gamelife Testimonies
"What I like about GAMELIFE is that I love playing games with my friends and then it connects to talking about God. I’ve learned that God is like a best friend and I can pray to him all the time."
Ben Elmore | Student
"GAMELIFE really changed my life. It helped me be braver with how I talked to my friends and share God with them. It also helps me bring my friends to Jesus, I actually brought a friend to Jesus last week, and it helps me know that I have a safe place to go besides home that I can go and reach out to people and bring friends and we’ll all have a good time together. GAMELIFE helped me know what I need to do and what I need to be focusing my life on. "
Kadra Platz | Student
"It still surprises me that every session I learn something new and it affects me. It’s fun to play the games and I always wonder: How in the world is this going to pertain to the lesson? But it really does and it always ministers to me. "
Michelle Bacardi | Volunteer
"The reason that I’m with GAMELIFE, being a busy dad of three kids and working and things like that, is I feel like GAMELIFE has this integrity that makes it so valuable to a church."
Lou Botta | Volunteer