FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

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GameLife is a catalyst for biblical application through experiential education.

GameLife provides churches with a fun, energetic way to get kids excited about God’s truth and passionate about applying it to their lives. GameLife uses experiential education to teach One Main Truth from the Bible in each lesson.

The One Main Truth is taught and reinforced in unique 3 Zones: the Game Zone where students experience God’s truth in a game, the Discovery Zone in which students discover God’s truth in the Bible; and the Life Zone where students are challenged to apply God’s truth to their lives.

Equip kids with the truth of God's Word, train future leaders, and engage the local community by joining GameLife today.

Students will experience an overview of the Bible from beginning to end over the course of three Training Years.

The GameLife curriculum is divided into three Training Years. Students will explore the Old Testament, the Life of Christ, and the New Testament with an emphasis on Acts.

During each training sesssion, students will participate in a game and engage in personal discovery that leads to life-transforming Biblical application.

The goal of GameLife is to see children and their families yield to Jesus, discover their purpose, and exercise their gifts to glorify God as Champions for Eternity.

The fast pace of the program and the distinct zones keep children engaged and entertained.

At GameLife, parents will know their children are having fun while learning about God. Parents are consistently amazed by how excited their children are to attend the midweek ministry and the positive impact GameLife has on their children.

GameLife provides parents with the opportunity to plan a weekly date night or to volunteer and learn along with their children at GameLife.

Parents love that children are encouraged to do focused follow-up in their Player Discovery Guides and that they are able to see what their children are learning.

Parents can stay connected with their children's learning by reading the GameLife Family Devotional together. The book allows students to experience, discover, and apply the truth they learned at GameLife together with their family.

Finally, parents love that their children complete motivating extra-credit GameLife Challenge and Reward Journals at home that help them grow spiritually.

GameLife benefits your church in a number of ways. First, it grows the church numerically since new families begin attending and joining the church. Secondly, children want to come to GameLife every week and spontaneously invite their friends to join because it's so much fun.

It is easy to invite their unchurched friends and neighbors to come and play games at their church. Their unchurched friends are provided with the opportunity to develop godly relationships, experience God’s truth, and go home inspired to “try church”.

Also, churched families are eager to go to a church with a thriving children’s ministry. One church that used GameLife saw their children’s ministry grow from 40 children to 120 children in just three years.

That same church used GameLife resources for their summer camp and attendance increase from 100 to 575 children.

This church became known in the community as the place to go for ultra-fun games and serious children's discipleship. This growth in the children's ministry brought in numerous new families to the church.

Also, your church will see volunteer participation increases since the materials are so simple to use as a powerful way to teach the Bible to children.

Due to the active games, adult male involvement often increases drastically. Furthermore, teens, young adults, and new young leaders are being trained to serve in the church.
Finally, the church benefits because the students, leaders, and families involved in GameLife grow in character, become confident leaders, and desire to serve in the church, throughout their community and on the mission field.

GameLife’s teaching is founded on the Bible and is theologically sound. Our Bible studies are pulled directly out of the Bible and require that students read the Bible for themselves to discovery God’s truth.

The three-year repeating curriculum gives an overview of the Bible, taught from Genesis to Revelation. Students are motivated to memorize passages from the Bible each week. The version we use in GameLife is the English Standard Version (ESV).

The cost of purchasing GameLife resources can be offset or additional resources can be brought in to further your children’s ministry. You can charge students a minimal fee ($20-$30) for a year’s registration. This cost creates a vested interest and ownership for the the family sending their child to GameLife.

Children are more likely to attend consistently if their parents have financially invested in their GameLife registration. This fee can include their participation in GameLife at your church for a year, as well as the cost for their required resources (such as: their Player’s Discovery Guide, their Challenge and Reward Journal, their GameLife t-shirt and their wristbands to be earned throughout the year).

Some churches charge more to offset the cost for coach’s shirts and books as well. To aid with volunteer (i.e., “Coach”) recruitment, you can offer a discount to parents of players who volunteer as coaches in GameLife. You can offer a discount for siblings so that GameLife remains affordable for large families. You can also offer scholarships to students from economically-challenged families.

Scenario 1: Physical Supplies Only
1 Director's Launch Guide
1 Player's Discovery Guide Per Student
1 Challenge & Reward Journal Per Student
1 Wristband Per Student of Each Color
1 Coach's Training Guide Per Leader
1 Leader T-Shirt Per Leader
1 Champions for Eternity Worship CD
1 T-Shirt Per Student
1 Champions for Eternity Worship DVD
1 Worship Training Guide
1 Family Devotional Per Family

Scenario 2: Digital Downloads and Physical Supplies
1 Curriculum Package (Includes the Director's Launch Guide, Coach's Training Guide, Player's Discovery Guide - Grades 1-2, Player's Discovery Guide - Grades 3-5, Family Devotional, Challenge and Reward Journal 1, Champions for Eternity song mp3 files, Champions for Eternity motion and word video files, and Worship Leader's Guide)
1 Wristband Per Student of Each Color
1 Leader T-Shirt Per Leader
1 T-Shirt Per Student

Additional Supplies
Game-related: 25 cones, 85 water balloons, 25 balloons, 1 clothespin per student, 1 soccer ball, 1 blindfold for every 2 students, 1 rope for every 2 students, 25 small balls, 6 balls (soft), 5 buckets, 1 beach ball, 1 bouncy ball, 1 paper cup per student, 2 envelopes, 2 flags, 1 pitcher, and access to water
Bible-study-related: 50 Bibles, 1 pencil or pen per student, 1 seat per student and coach, and enough tables or trays to accommodate everyone
Reward-related: A variety of prizes and a cart or cabinet for storing prizes

We recommend at least 8 students be registered to start a GameLife midweek ministry. For less than 8 students, the Family Devotional could be used for training sessions whose games require more students. The Family Devotional is substituted by reading the story, reading the Bible passage, and discussing the application questions.

The Director’s Launch Guide is a book which gives all the training, information, and forms necessary to run GameLife as a midweek ministry. First, it shows you how to inspire your midweek ministry team by explaining the opportunity of the elementary age-group, the importance of midweek ministry for discipleship, the advantage of experiential education for teachable moments, and the strategy for cost-effective Implementation. You also learn how to train your ministry team since it gives specific leaders’ roles and responsibilities, as well as discipline and safety guidelines and instructions for record keeping and rewards. Furthermore, the Director’s Launch Guide helps you launch your midweek ministry by explaining volunteer leader qualifications and recruitment, giving suggested locations for the midweek experience, providing a suggested calendar for the midweek experience, and showing a comprehensive supply list for the midweek experience. The Director’s Launch Guide also shows you how to use each book of GameLife’s curriculum to its maximum potential. Finally, it includes reproducible resources that make running GameLife easy and efficient. If you cannot find what you need to know in the Director’s Launch Guide, the GameLife team provides weekly conference calls in which you can submit your question and a team member will answer live during the call.

As US churches adopt GameLife's midweek ministry for their students to hear the gospel and be trained as disciples, it provides resources for us to freely give GameLife resources to missionaries and church plants around the world. Right off the top, ten percent of GameLife sales go to missions.

There are samples from several GameLife books available for digital download on the Free Samples page.
Unfortunately, we won’t be able to send a free sample t-shirt, wristband, bag, hardcopy book, hardcopy CD, or hardcopy DVD.

The GameLife digital download serves an unlimited number of children since you are given permission to print off as many copies for as many students that you have in attendance. However, these digital downloads can only be used at your church and cannot be shared, sent or provided to other churches or ministries since every church must purchase their own GameLife resources. (See terms and conditions when you purchase).

GameLife intentionally designed its games and other activities to accommodate small and large spaces as well as indoor and outdoor areas in order to maximize the location with which God has blessed you. We recommend that you use an area that is half the size of a basketball court or the size of a volleyball court (about 50 feet by 50 feet). This can be a field, a parking lot, or a large room.

The Game Zone area can increase in size depending on the number of students you have. While not ideal, smaller, empty classrooms can be used. Indoor space can work as well as outdoor space. Students will also need a place to sit to do their Bible studies, whether this is inside at tables or outside with something to write on.

Ideally, GameLife’s midweek ministry will be led by a Director, a Game Zone Leader, a Life Zone Leader, a Worship Leader, an Administrator, and one coach for every 6-8 students. Don’t let that scare you, however, because these roles can be combined. For example, a church with 15 children could have a Director who is also the Game Zone Leader, a Life Zone Leader who is also the Worship Leader, a coach who is also the administrator, and one other coach which would leave you with 4 leaders total.

The GameLife team is currently working on completing a 4 and 5-year-old specific curriculum called GameLife Jr. Until it is completed, the Family Devotionals with their stories, Bible-readings, and discussion questions could be used in addition to free play.

Yes, we have designed "GameLife Prasi-N-Play" for infants. We have found that these resources minister to 0-2 year olds and their supervisors best are the Champions for Eternity CD and DVD provided by GameLife. Little ones can hear God’s truth sung in both loud and lively songs and soft comforting ones. Those supervising them can also begin to teach them the ASL-inspired hand motions that go along with the songs shown in the DVD.

If a missionary, ministry, or economically-challenged church would like to obtain GameLife resources but cannot afford them, please contact a GameLife team member at questions@gamelife77.com.
If a network of churches, homeschool group, or ministry would like to purchase GameLife products wholesale or be licensed to distribute GAMELIFE resources please contact a GameLife team member at questions@gamelife77.com.

You can pay with PayPal and any standard Debt card or Credit card. We are sorry we can not provide invoices, we are not able to receive checks, nor can payments be made over time.

We do not accept returns. We recommend that you view a sample downloadable lesson and get your questions answered before completing your purchase. If you receive damaged materials, contact a GameLife team member at questions@gamelife77.com.

“77” is a code that challenges students to consider how and where they will use their God-given gifts to glorify God by loving and serving all people. The first number represents how, in which of the 7 areas of service (1 church, 2 family, 3 education, 4 public communication, 5 public service, 6 business, or 7 arts/sports) they will do this. The second number represents where, in which of the 7 regions (1 Asia, 2 Africa, 3 Europe, 4 Latin America, 5 North America, 6 the Pacific, or 7 the ends of the world) they will do this.

GameLife 77 is a ministry of 49 Mountains Academy. Our 49 Mountain Academy websites and services are designed to promote and accomplish our mission of making disciples according to Matthew 28:18-20. This website and other related websites, mobile apps and other digital tools are operated by 49 Mountains a nonprofit corporation. GameLife 77 dba 49 Mountains is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and all gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law tax ID: 46-1274467.