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The GameLife Impact "Community Discipleship"

GameLife is a children’s discipleship ministry that Equips Children with the truth of God’s Word, Empowers Leaders, and Engages the Local Community

Equip Children with God's Word

GameLife enables children to apply biblical truths as they experience God’s Word through purposeful experiential games.

Every minute of GameLife’s Midweek Ministry is focused on engaging children through meaningful activities designed to bring the Bible to life. Through in-depth discipleship training, students not only read Bible stories but engage in discovery-based learning to understand the One Main Truth of a passage.

Equip Children
Empower leaders

Empower Leaders and provide exciting opportunities to serve

GameLife trains leaders to reach children with God’s Truth using proven child-focused educational methods.

Both adult and teenage leaders have fun and learn alongside students in GameLife training sessions. Volunteering requires a minimal time commitment and no previous Bible training, only the willingness to yield to Jesus as he works through each volunteer.

Engage Communities through natural outreach opportunities

GameLife engages communities through natural invitations to attend church and experience GameLife games.

Children love playing the fun experiential-games every week, and children come back week after-week, and month-after-month, and year-after-year.

It is easy to invite friends and neighbors to GameLife. They will experience God’s Truth and be motivated to return over and over ~ and again and again!

Engage Communities